Picture Graph code Name U8 code SKU Price: Qty:
108-8 Computer board PZ-000-010108-0 JZ02008012160
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108-10 Head with tools-tray U108 P-102-190000-0 JZ09002023361
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108-9 Key board S-115-001020-0 JZ10001026197
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4 Nut GZBLS-B-004-030000-0,B-004-03000 FJ04008004509
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102 outer hex self-tapping and self-auger screw M4.8*16 B-013-050161-1 FJ04006004050
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100-7 Power board 230V PZ-000-020828-0 JZ02008012184
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434 screw B-017-030161-0 FJ04006004306
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